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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
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220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13415

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 15. April 2001 21:07:16:
I have a 220se coupe 1965, imported from california. It has USA double headlights. The lights are of the "sealed beam" type. Can I obtain spare lights for these special lights?

Another question I have:When driving in any gear (I hAVE AN AUTOMATIC), ABOVE 3500 RPM, THE ENGINE STARTS TO VIBRATE, AND WITH INCREASING REV'S , DOES NOT GO AWAY. What could be causing this? The engine has covered 120.000 miles/200.000 km. It is very irritating, and I think it could harm the engine. Because of this, I am running always at 65mph maximum speed. 70 or 75 would be nice!
Who can help??
Regards form Almelo, the Netherlands.

Re: 220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13425

  • Manfred
  • Manfreds Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Manfred am 16. April 2001 17:19:16:
Als Antwort auf: 220se\c headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 15. April 2001 21:07:16:
Hallo Karel!

Sind die Sealed beam Scheinwerfer in Holland erlaubt?

Meines Wissens waren sie ausschließlich für den Export in die USA gedacht und man müßte sie wieder umrüsten wenn ein Re-Importfahrzeug nach Europa zurück kommt.
*Gruß Manfred

Re: 220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13426

  • Pleff
  • Pleffs Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Pleff am 16. April 2001 17:30:13:
Als Antwort auf: Re: 220se\c headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm geschrieben von Manfred am 16. April 2001 17:19:16:
Hi Manfred,

dazu gibt es doch die Suchfunktion im Forum :-))

Ich habe mal "Sealed" eingegeben und als Ergebnis Michaels Posting bekommen.
Hier der Link


Sealed Beam Scheinwerfer

Re: 220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13609

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 28. April 2001 17:34:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: 220se\c headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm geschrieben von Manfred am 16. April 2001 17:19:16:
Dear MB Fan.
I use the carsince 3 years, and we have a yearly check ofthe car, much like in Holland. My car was 4 officially tested so far, and the lights are not a problem. You can see the USA mark clearly on the lights! The light can be adjustedso they do comply to regulations. I think that these lights are NOT allowed for cars after 1965 or 67. But sinceI drive it a fewtimes a week, I really need a spare!

Re: 220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13608

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 28. April 2001 17:34:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: 220se\c headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm geschrieben von Manfred am 16. April 2001 17:19:16:
Dear MB Fan.
I use the carsince 3 years, and we have a yearly check ofthe car, much like in Holland. My car was 4 officially tested so far, and the lights are not a problem. You can see the USA mark clearly on the lights! The light can be adjustedso they do comply to regulations. I think that these lights are NOT allowed for cars after 1965 or 67. But sinceI drive it a fewtimes a week, I really need a spare!

Re: 220sec headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13610

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 28. April 2001 17:42:08:
Als Antwort auf: Re: 220se\c headlights, engine resonanating@3500 rpm geschrieben von Pleff am 16. April 2001 17:30:13:
DearMr. Pleff.
Thanks for the answer. Apparently you know a lot about these cars. Could you give me a clue on the resonating of the engine?

I will goshopping onthe US amrket for sealed beams, otherwise I will have to change to the standard H type fittings...
Kind regards;

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