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Sternschuppenforum - Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113
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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
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Re: Nochmal (Such)Adresse 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28535

  • paul
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Geschrieben von Paul am 26. Januar 2003 14:17:13:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Adresse geschrieben von Paul am 26. Januar 2003 14:02:33:

Na auf (page 7) steht auch noch einer


Re: Mir ist was passiert...... 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28536

  • Rainer
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Geschrieben von Rainer am 26. Januar 2003 14:48:54:
Als Antwort auf: Mir ist was passiert...... geschrieben von Cebe am 26. Januar 2003 10:48:54:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Hoffentlich klappt es auch noch mit dem Auto.



Re: Mensch.....10 Gute 600er ist ja einfacher 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28538

  • paul
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Geschrieben von Paul am 26. Januar 2003 14:57:35:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Nochmal (Such)Adresse geschrieben von Paul am 26. Januar 2003 14:17:13:

Aber loss geht's (ohne Gewaerleistung, denn aus Clubzeitschriften Der Silverstern 2002 und juenger)

170 S 1951 Euro 16500 E.Braay Santpoort +31 23 537 6659

170 Vb 1952 restauriert grau R.Kuijpers Zeeland +31 486 453 034

170 Va 1951 Maroonred/black Innen grauer Stoff Restauriert Orginal Becker ca 37000 Euro P.Schuijl De Koog +31 222 317 323

170 V 1950 restauriert fuer 85 % fertig Euro 12000 J Thijssen Doesburg +31 313 472 841

Re: Mir ist was passiert...... 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28539

  • hoffy
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Geschrieben von Hoffy am 26. Januar 2003 15:03:04:
Als Antwort auf: Mir ist was passiert...... geschrieben von Cebe am 26. Januar 2003 10:48:54:

Hi CeBe !!!

Viel Ervollg in beiden Sachen (Job und Auto).

*Gruß Hoffy !!!

Re: Mir ist was passiert...... 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28545

  • Pleff
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Geschrieben von Pleff am 26. Januar 2003 19:09:42:
Als Antwort auf: Mir ist was passiert...... geschrieben von Cebe am 26. Januar 2003 10:48:54:

Hi Cebe,

auch an dieser Stelle nochmal Glückwunsch zur Veränderung!! ;-))

PS: komme mit der Internetseite vom MBATC nicht klar... entweder ich mache etwas falsch, oder die haben keine Nockenwelle für mich! :-(((

schau mal in deine mailbox! 21 Jahre 11 Monate her #28555

  • Robert_D
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Geschrieben von Robert_D am 26. Januar 2003 21:25:43:
Als Antwort auf: Meine Mailaddresse geschrieben von Cebe am 26. Januar 2003 10:56:49:

McDonnel Douglas Warrenty Registration Card
This is funny. If you don't think so you may be upper management at McDonnell-Douglas.

This allegedly was posted very briefly on the McDonnell-Douglas Website by an employee there who obviously has a sense of humor. The company, of course, does not have a sense of humor and made the web department take it down immediately...

Thank you for purchasing a McDonnell Douglas military aircraft. In order to protect your new investment, please take a few moments to fill out the warranty registration card below. Answering the survey questions is not required, but the information will help us to develop new products that best meet your needs and desires.

[_] Mr.

[_] Mrs.

[_] Ms.

[_] Miss

[_] Lt.

[_] Gen.

[_] Comrade

[_] Classified

[_] Other

First Name: ................................

Initial: ........

Last Name: ..................................

Password: ............................. (max. 8 char)

Code Name:..................................

Latitude-Longitude-Altitude: .....................
2. Which model aircraft did you purchase?

[_] F-14 Tomcat

[_] F-15 Eagle

[_] F-16 Falcon

[_] F-117A Stealth

[_] Classified
3. Date of purchase (Year/Month/Day): ....../......./......
4. Serial Number:.........................................
5. Please indicate where this product was purchased:

[_] Received as gift / aid package

[_] Catalogue / showroom

[_] Independent arms broker

[_] Mail order

[_] Discount store

[_] Government surplus

[_] Classified
6. Please indicate how you became aware of the McDonnell Douglas product you have just purchased:

[_] Heard loud noise, looked up

[_] Store display

[_] Espionage

[_] Recommended by friend / relative / ally

[_] Political lobbying by manufacturer

[_] Was attacked by one
7. Please indicate the three (3) factors that most influenced your decision to purchase this McDonnell Douglas product:

[_] Style / appearance

[_] Speed / maneuverability

[_] Price / value

[_] Comfort / convenience

[_] Kickback / bribe

[_] Recommended by salesperson

[_] McDonnell Douglas reputation

[_] Advanced Weapons Systems

[_] Backroom politics

[_] Negative experience opposing one in combat
8. Please indicate the location(s) where this product will be used:

[_] North America

[_] Iraq

[_] Iran

[_] Aircraft carrier

[_] Iraq

[_] Europe

[_] Iraq

[_] Middle East (not Iraq)

[_] Iraq

[_] Africa

[_] Iraq

[_] Asia / Far East

[_] Iraq

[_] Misc. Third World countries

[_] Iraq

[_] Classified

[_] Iraq
9. Please indicate the products that you currently own or intend to purchase in the near future:

[_] Color TV

[_] VCR

[_] ICBM

[_] Killer Satellite

[_] CD Player

[_] Air-to-Air Missiles

[_] Space Shuttle

[_] Home Computer

[_] Nuclear Weapon
10. How would you describe yourself or your organization? (Indicate all that apply.)

[_] Communist / Socialist

[_] Terrorist

[_] Crazed

[_] Neutral

[_] Democratic

[_] Dictatorship

[_] Corrupt

[_] Primitive / Tribal
11. How did you pay for your McDonnell Douglas product?

[_] Deficit spending

[_] Cash

[_] Suitcases of cocaine

[_] Oil revenues

[_] Personal check

[_] Credit card

[_] Ransom money

[_] Traveler's check
12. Your occupation:

[_] Homemaker

[_] Sales / marketing

[_] Revolutionary

[_] Clerical

[_] Mercenary

[_] Tyrant

[_] Middle management

[_] Eccentric billionaire

[_] Defense Minister / General

[_] Retired

[_] Student
13. To help us better understand our customers, please indicate the interests and activities in which you and your spouse enjoy participating on a regular basis:

[_] Golf

[_] Boating / sailing

[_] Sabotage

[_] Running / jogging

[_] Propaganda / misinformation

[_] Destabilization / overthrow

[_] Default on loans

[_] Gardening

[_] Crafts

[_] Black market / smuggling

[_] Collectibles / collections

[_] Watching sports on TV

[_] Wines

[_] Interrogation / torture

[_] Household pets

[_] Crushing rebellions

[_] Espionage / reconnaissance

[_] Fashion clothing

[_] Border disputes

[_] Mutually Assured Destruction
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Your answers will be used in market studies that will help McDonnell Douglas serve you better in the future-as well as allowing you to receive mailings and special offers from other companies, governments, extremist groups, and mysterious consortia. As a bonus for responding to this survey, you will be registered to win a brand new F-117A in our Desert Thunder Sweepstakes!
Comments or suggestions about our fighter planes? Please write to: McDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION Marketing Department Military Aerospace Division.

Wer ist eigentlich 'General Failure', und warum liest er meine Festplatte?
Moderatoren: Robert_D
Ladezeit der Seite: 0.359 Sekunden
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