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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
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Ich brauche Ihre Hilfe von Seattle!! 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90200

  • Tom
  • Toms Avatar Autor

Ich spreche Deutsch nicht. Ich benutze eine Übersetzungswebsite, von Englisch zu Deutsch zu verwandeln. Ich hoffe, dass dies arbeitet!

Ich lebe in Seattle, Vereinigten Staaten und hat sieben W114/8 Coupés besessen. Ich besitze den einen 280CE von 1973. Ich bitte um Hilfe, sich einen Paar Scheinwerfer Wischer für meinen 280CE zu befinden...


Ich habe Mercedes-Benz durch Stuttgart kontaktiert und habe gelernt, dass die Teile nicht mehr verfügbar sind. Ich werde sehr viel schätzt irgendeine Hilfe im Finden von den notwendigen gebrauchten Teilen, die Scheinwerferwischer auf meinem 280CE zu installieren. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie einen Satz von Motoren und Wischernarmen mit Blättern haben. Ich lasse alles verdrahten und Behälter.

Ich werde gern Ihren Preis bezahlen.

Vielen Dank für irgendeine Hilfe!


Hi Tom 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90201

  • Jörg_250SE
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Hi Tom,

welcome to Germany. Your post reminds me of my time back in WA, when I spent my senior year at High School near Spokane 20 years ago (the reunion was this year but unfortunately I could not go). I remember Seattle and the Space Needle and qould like to come back some time.

Your translation is excellent compared to other translation-programs, I think everybody can get what you are looking for.

I think this is probably not the right platform. A better choice would be the /8-Forum here:


or even better here:

www.strichacht-forum.de/list.php?2 (wanted / for sale - section)

and of course the vdh-Forum here:


Hope this helps,

best Regards


Re: Ich brauche Ihre Hilfe von Seattle!! 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90206

  • fokko6.6
  • fokko6.6s Avatar Autor
Hallo Tom,

New Old Stock vielleicht bei Oldtimer Ersatzteile aus Berlin, oder bei Thomas Distler.



Good Luck....!



MB Ordering Codes for Wiperarms are.... 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90211

  • Flossenpfleger
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Hi Tom,

nice car you got there, looks good. The parts you are looking for were a standard equipment for sweden back in the days.

The ordering code was : SA 5587200002 , the part number for the electric motor is : A1148200542 left side, and A1148200842 right side. The wiperarm is A1158202644 and the rubber is 0008241627. The reservoir should be A 1148690420.

But I don't know if any of this numbers are still in stock.

Have you ever tried to adapt the wiperarms from later models ,or tried to remodel some windshieldwipers to headlight wipers ?

But I think the later models have a different angle, a kind of bend in the wiper arm itself, I don't know wheather it is possible to reshape those parts.

Pay a visit to yout local junkyard, and find out what's in stock.

The motor shouldn't be the problem, considering to my opinion the ones from the later moddels shoud work fine for your purpose, though I am not sure about correct position of the wipermotor mounting on the body.

The porblem is, that these parts are not listed anymore at a normal dealer here in germany, i assume that you tried your local mercedes dealer in CDN.

One chance would be : www.bacigalupo-autoteile.de/,

He is advertising with the statement:

All other components for these models and specialties such as leather equipment, air conditioning, power windows, etc., can be obtained on request.

Maybe this is worth a try !

Any more questions, feel free to ask or send me a Email. Flossenpfleger @ web dot de !

I Think I can provide you with all the numbers you need to order at your local MD dealer.

Greeting to CDN from


^Since when is seatle in canada, sorry for this one !^ 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90212

  • Flossenpfleger
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Re: Ich brauche Ihre Hilfe von Seattle!! 17 Jahre 2 Monate her #90241

  • Chalda
  • Chaldas Avatar Autor
Hi Tom,

the little electrical motors are not available from Mercedes anymore. The wiper arms, together with blades, are available anyway: part no. 115 820 36 44, approx. 25 Euros/piece. You know that you need many more parts?

Used motors and complete systems appear on the german eBay site from time to time, but they are not cheap. Now and then, even a complete new system turns up and usually goes for approx. 250 Euros.



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