Hi Tom,
nice car you got there, looks good. The parts you are looking for were a standard equipment for sweden back in the days.
The ordering code was : SA 5587200002 , the part number for the electric motor is : A1148200542 left side, and A1148200842 right side. The wiperarm is A1158202644 and the rubber is 0008241627. The reservoir should be A 1148690420.
But I don't know if any of this numbers are still in stock.
Have you ever tried to adapt the wiperarms from later models ,or tried to remodel some windshieldwipers to headlight wipers ?
But I think the later models have a different angle, a kind of bend in the wiper arm itself, I don't know wheather it is possible to reshape those parts.
Pay a visit to yout local junkyard, and find out what's in stock.
The motor shouldn't be the problem, considering to my opinion the ones from the later moddels shoud work fine for your purpose, though I am not sure about correct position of the wipermotor mounting on the body.
The porblem is, that these parts are not listed anymore at a normal dealer here in germany, i assume that you tried your local mercedes dealer in CDN.
One chance would be :
He is advertising with the statement:
All other components for these models and specialties such as leather equipment, air conditioning, power windows, etc., can be obtained on request.
Maybe this is worth a try !
Any more questions, feel free to ask or send me a Email. Flossenpfleger @ web dot de !
I Think I can provide you with all the numbers you need to order at your local MD dealer.
Greeting to CDN from