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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
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Klimakompressor Behr /Harrison A 6 Ersatz 13 Jahre 7 Monate her #109739

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Schaut mal hier her, wer Probleme mit seiner Behr-Klima-Kompressor im 108-126 hat koennte geholfen werden, und das bei wesentlich besserer leistung des kompressors mit weniger Energieaufnahme. Direkt aus USA oder bei Limora.

Gruss Pagodino

Air Products Offers 'Bolt-In' Direct Replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor

The Pro6TEN Compressor is a 10 Cylinder "bolt-in" direct replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor. This new design is specifically engineered to fit original A-6 mounting brackets and A/C hose assemblies. This highly efficient compressor offers a smoother, quieter operation, creating less vibration and ....

The Pro6TEN Compressor is a 10 Cylinder "bolt-in" direct replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor. This new design is specifically engineered to fit original A-6 mounting brackets and A/C hose assemblies. This highly efficient compressor offers a smoother, quieter operation, creating less vibration and engine drag, increased fuel mileage, improved engine and cooling system performance.

The aluminum body of the Pro6TEN is 52% lighter than the original A-6 (significantly reducing shipping costs). Designed to accept both superheat and high-pressure safety switches, One single groove part number replaces 90% of all applications, Also Available with a double groove clutch. Fits 1962 and up GM vehicles, many Ford-Lincoln-Mercury, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, Volvo, and various heavy-duty trucks and other applications with the A-6 compressor.

For additional information on products offered by Old Air Products, visit www.oldairproducts.comOld Air Products Offers 'Bolt-In' Direct Replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor

The Pro6TEN Compressor is a 10 Cylinder "bolt-in" direct replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor. This new design is specifically engineered to fit original A-6 mounting brackets and A/C hose assemblies. This highly efficient compressor offers a smoother, quieter operation, creating less vibration and ....

The Pro6TEN Compressor is a 10 Cylinder "bolt-in" direct replacement for the GM Frigidare/Harrison A-6 Compressor. This new design is specifically engineered to fit original A-6 mounting brackets and A/C hose assemblies. This highly efficient compressor offers a smoother, quieter operation, creating less vibration and engine drag, increased fuel mileage, improved engine and cooling system performance.

The aluminum body of the Pro6TEN is 52% lighter than the original A-6 (significantly reducing shipping costs). Designed to accept both superheat and high-pressure safety switches, One single groove part number replaces 90% of all applications, Also Available with a double groove clutch. Fits 1962 and up GM vehicles, many Ford-Lincoln-Mercury, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, Volvo, and various heavy-duty trucks and other applications with the A-6 compressor.

For additional information on products offered by Old Air Products, visit www.oldairproducts.com

Re: Ist ja nett, 13 Jahre 7 Monate her #109745

  • Michael B.
  • Michael B.s Avatar Autor
aber angesichts des Preises wieder zu überlegen...

Die Änderung in der Leistung wird sich kaum signifikant im Mehrverbrauch niederschlagen, nebenbei ist der alte Originalkompressor definitiv ausreichend dimensioniert und gilt als äusserst zuverlässig.

Immerhin werkelt das Teil seit 1950 oder so in praktisch jedem Amischlitten...

( Ausser in Neueren, da werkeln ja bekanntlich Nippondenso...)

Begeistern kann ich persönlich natürlich wg des Gewichtsunterschieds - was daran liegen wird, daß ich schon des Öfteren unterm Auto liegend über den Zwanzigkilotrumm ( Gefühlt ca 50!)geflucht habe..

Michael [img]./zwinkern.gif[/img]

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