Hier ein mail das ich von meinem Freund in Washington vor ein paar Tagen bekommen habe, das nur so fuer experimentierfreudige Freunde. Wenn ich auch noch kapieren wuerde wie ich heir Bilder hochladeen kann, so wuerd ich auch noch ein paar picks von meinem Coupe anhaengen, das seit ein paar Tagen vom Lackierer zurueck ist (in DB 728 ist super schoen geworden!) Viel Spass bei den videos.
Gruss pagodino
Hi Patrick,
I hope all is well on your side, and that you're making good progress on your various projects.
On my side I’ve been progressing well on the car and though there is still some work needed it is back as my daily driver. Yesterday a friend came and shot some videos with his I-phone. In the three first links I'm explaining what I did on the car and on the three last I'm driving it. The last one is a 0-100mph video. I did not go crazy on the clutch or in the shifts as all this is still a bit new and I don't want to grenade anything. But basically I shift in 2nd at 40mph, in third a 60mph (7s) and third is taking us up to 100mph (17s). I guess I will do better when the car is finished tuning and when I'm more confident with the transmission to shift harsher. I forgot to mention in the video that the engine has been fitted with AMG replica camshafts and solid lifters.
I still need to replace the steering box as this one as a lot of play, and I also need to finalize the engine tuning on a dyno. I will do all that after I’m back from Europe end of July.
In the meantime, here you go:
Cheers GGR