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Antwort: W111 Cabrio: Brandschaden durch fehlerhafte Radioinstallation !?!

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21 Jahre 2 Monate her #39254


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Geschrieben von andreas 1 am 28. Dezember 2003 13:01:39:

This car caught fire under the dashboard due to a BAD INSTALLATION OF AN AFTERMARKET CD PLAYER.

It damaged the wires, wood, windshield, instruments cluster, steering wheel. However, Convertible top, seats, carpet, etc, were not damaged at all.
These were taken off the car to clean and to begin the restoration.

Engine and transmission are new.

This car had just been restored, and all mechanical components are new or rebuilt.

Body is flawless, perfect tires and hub caps, under the hood looks like a showroom car.

The leather upholstery is as NEW, not even a scratch, and it is all original Mercedes Benz ...


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