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Sternschuppenforum - Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113
Willkommen, Gast
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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
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chart of the engine 23 Jahre 8 Monate her #13378

  • Alejandro
  • Alejandros Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Alejandro Orozco Aceves am 11. April 2001 21:25:07:

i dont know if somebody there speaks english, if so, ill continue.

I recently bought two w111, one 1962 and the other 1964, i have both at the

repair shop, but the problem is that i cant find an assebly chart of the

engine, and the mechanics dont want to take the risk if disasembling the

motor whithout the manual, is ther a way any of you can help me, maybe by

scaning this page of your manual, and send it in a email; be shure ill look

forwad to correspond to your kindness, thank you.

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