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Frage ans forum/Question:ventielspiel beim 220se/valve clearance 23 Jahre 7 Monate her #13820

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 12. Mai 2001 22:33:50:
I have just done the 18.000 km maintenance on my 220/c, and I did adjust the valve clearance on the engine. I had to turn all outlet valve adjusters about 1/8 of a turn. Is this a normal wear figure?? My car runs on LPG/Autogas (Cheap and clean!!!) and occasionally on regular fuel(to keep the fuel injectors fit).
Somebody with experience on a 220se engine?

valve clearance 220 se

Re: Frage ans forum/Question:ventielspiel beim 220se/valve clearance 23 Jahre 7 Monate her #13824

  • Michael.B
  • Michael.Bs Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Michael.B am 13. Mai 2001 23:09:25:
Als Antwort auf: Frage ans forum/Question:ventielspiel beim 220se/valve clearance geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 12. Mai 2001 22:33:50:
Hi Karel,

my english is not very good, but I think a 1/8 turnaround is quite normal for tat engine.

Its less than 1/10 mm - not so much ,or?

Do you realy know the time,when it was done the last time?



Re: Frage ans forum/Question:ventielspiel beim 220se/valve clearance 23 Jahre 7 Monate her #13825

  • Karel
  • Karels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von karel nijeboer am 14. Mai 2001 00:15:35:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Frage ans forum/Question:ventielspiel beim 220se/valve clearance geschrieben von Michael.B am 13. Mai 2001 23:09:25:
Dear Michael;
Danke fuer die antwort, das English reich voellich aus, don't worry!

I did the last check 18.000 km ago, just befor I converted to LPG. It is always a question if the engine does not get excessive wear due to a higher combustion temperature that you get with LPG. I am just interested to know how myengine compares to other 220 se engines. My oil consumption (engine)is about 1 liter on 2500 km. I guess that is OK ?
Kind regards and schoene grusse aus Holland

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