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air suspention valves fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112988

  • G.Meimetis
  • G.Meimetiss Avatar Autor

A couple of months ago I was searching for air suspention valves for my W112 mercedes convertible.

I visited the site www.luftfenderung.de and requested information from Mr Micheal Brockhoff.

He responded my e-mail, saying that he has a set of air suspention valves available in his store and that he can send them to me for 1.400 euros plus shipping. After I fitted the new valves, I was supposed to send him my old valves back.

I send him the money to the account he gave me and after that I lost him.

He stopped answering his e-mails, the mobile he has listed in his site was always out of order, I found his home phone number and there he answered only once, after he instulled an answering machine.

It's been 2 months and I still have not received the valves.

I know I have lost my money, but I wrtting to you to inform you about Mr Brockhoff fraud, in order to prevent the same thing happening again to someone else.

I have proof for everything I write above (e-mails and the bank deposit).

Thanks for your time.


Micheal B. is a fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112989

  • G. Meimetis
  • G. Meimetiss Avatar Autor
I paid him 1.415 euros for air suspention valves more than two months ago and I still have not received them.


Re: air suspention valves fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112992

  • ChiliDasSchaf
  • ChiliDasSchafs Avatar Autor

i guess that you are not the only one,who has some financial problems with this person...

gruß vom schaf

Re: Micheal B. is a fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112995

  • Hansjorg
  • Hansjorgs Avatar Autor
That's very sad that Michael did not send you the suspension valves.

Euro 1400.-- seems a bit high, since he quoted me Euro 350.-- a piece.

Nevertheless, keep us posted about the outcome of this ordeal.

Best regards from Riverside, CA


Re: air suspention valves fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112997

  • Thomas 300SE/Coupe
  • Thomas 300SE/Coupes Avatar Autor
... maybe this is the set of valves I saved as a spare and

once gave to M.B. to have them repaired. He refused to give them

back saying they should not sit on my shelf as this is a spare part

that is looked after very much.

In the end I got 150€ for my set of three good valves from him...

Is there anyone out there thinking this is a good price?

I have my lessons learned.



Re: Re: air suspention valves fraud 12 Jahre 8 Monate her #112998

  • Hansjorg
  • Hansjorgs Avatar Autor
Hi Thomas,

if you had three good working valves it's not a good price. If they were

just cores, than 50.-- a piece would be okay.

I can buy them completely rebuilt from a shop in New York for US $ 500.-- a piece.

Best regards from Riverside, CA


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