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THEMA: Some 108 questions

Some 108 questions 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78914

  • Clem
  • Clems Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Clem am 16. Oktober 2006 09:11:58:

Hi guys,
Some questions on my 280S:
I have had the suspension fully inspectedand lubricated and the car really goes well but when I go over a large hump in the road the suspension still makes a bit of noise (a creaking sound). It sounds a bit like the springs are stretching. What can I do about this?
The right side of the car is a bit lower than the left. Clearly the springs and the right are a bit more worn. Is there anything one can do about this? Swap the springs around or put a spacer in above the springs on the right?
One other thing: those plastic knobs for the window winder keep breaking. Is there anywhere to get new knobs without buying the whole unit with arm? Any plans that can be made? Anyone thought of making some out of wood on a small lathe?
Kind regards,


Re: Some 108 answers.... 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78946

  • Flossenpfleger
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Geschrieben von Flossenpfleger am 17. Oktober 2006 02:56:09:
Als Antwort auf: Some 108 questions geschrieben von Clem am 16. Oktober 2006 09:11:58:

Hi Clem,
So the suspension is fully inspected ans lubricated, hmm I don't think so !

Are you sure that the dampers and the springs are installed properly ?

Could it be possible that there is some kind of spanning inbetween the components ? The discribed noise sound like an indicator for something like this.

The uneven stand of the car is on other, and why the heck didn't you by a set of new springs ?

I don't think that they would cost an arm and a leg... stop trying arround with the old springs an get a set of new ones. Try to get informations from your local dealer about the right size of the rubber buffers and your car should be even.
Epoxy resin, coloring material, a mold, a sample....

Try searching the Internet for Sites with content on restoring old RAdios (Pre war and on until the early 50s !)

The knobs on these were made out of BAkelit (NOT plastic!), like the knop on the window winder.

On some sites one explains how a reproduction is made.
Manufacturing new ones on a lathe is a nice Idea, never thought of this...

BUt would the look of the finished ones fit to the rest of the interiour ?

You decide, it's your car !

Happy searching, and from time to time a little feedback is seen gladly here !
Greetings Flossenpfleger

Re: Some 108 answers.... 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78947

  • Clem
  • Clems Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Clem am 17. Oktober 2006 08:44:44:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Some 108 answers.... geschrieben von Flossenpfleger am 17. Oktober 2006 02:56:09:

Hi Flossenpfleger,
Thanks for the response. I guess you're right about the springs. The only issue is that in our neck of the woods you have to be pretty careful about what you replace or not. All bits are imported (though the cars WERE originally manufactured here) so are hellishly expensive (even by the usual standards) especially when shipping, customs & excise and VAT are added.
On the noise, I guess I'll have to climb in under the old tank sometime to see what's up. I guess you're right that maybe all is not as it should be. That said, it's a similar sound to what Land Rover coil springs make when they don't have the rubber tubing around the end of the coil - there's a rubbing and movement against the spring seat. Myabe I'll trying lubricating the spring seats with a bit of WD40 first. That will at least confirm or eliminate my suspicions on that. On the rubber buffers you refer to, I had no idea that they made these for W108's as well (on Land Rover we call them trim packers and they're made out of polyurethane). I'll see what I can find but the official agents aren't always very enthusiatic about the older cars - the want to move modern metal.
The idea on the radio knobs is a pretty good one - hadn't thought of that. Many thanks - I'll hunt around and see. I think it would be pretty easy to turn new ones out of solid matching plastic on a lathe. Pity I don't have a lathe though! :-)
Thanks for the advice.


Re: Some 108 answers.... 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78957

  • Uwe
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Geschrieben von Uwe 3.5 am 17. Oktober 2006 16:06:01:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Some 108 answers.... geschrieben von Clem am 17. Oktober 2006 08:44:44:

Hi Clem,

where the hell are you located?
Nevertheless, the 108 has allways been manufactured in Germany, even if some of them have been ASSEMBLED abroad ;-)
I am also not sure if the knobs are really made out of "bakelit". In my humble opinion, there are made of "real" plastics. So look out for a used spare window from ebay and take over the parts you need.
@ the springs:

At the end of the springs rubber elements are mounted. Thes elements differ from the spring used. The springs again differ from the motorization and car features. So there is a good change to have wrong rubbers mounted, once the car was in unauthorizied hands ;-)
@the noise:

This should be cleared asap!

It can be harmless issues like the spring-rubber-combination that needs some WD40. But it can also be the last warning from a steering link or traverse arm before breaking.

Lie under the car and try to simulate the hump drive.

Once you have located the source of the noise, you can try to feel where it comes from. If it disappears temporary by treating with WD40, you got it.
Good look


Re: Some 108 answers.... 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78961

  • Uwe
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Geschrieben von Uwe 3.5 am 17. Oktober 2006 16:06:01:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Some 108 answers.... geschrieben von Clem am 17. Oktober 2006 08:44:44:

Hi Clem,

where the hell are you located?
Nevertheless, the 108 has allways been manufactured in Germany, even if some of them have been ASSEMBLED abroad ;-)
I am also not sure if the knobs are really made out of "bakelit". In my humble opinion, there are made of "real" plastics. So look out for a used spare window from ebay and take over the parts you need.
@ the springs:

At the end of the springs rubber elements are mounted. Thes elements differ from the spring used. The springs again differ from the motorization and car features. So there is a good change to have wrong rubbers mounted, once the car was in unauthorizied hands ;-)
@the noise:

This should be cleared asap!

It can be harmless issues like the spring-rubber-combination that needs some WD40. But it can also be the last warning from a steering link or traverse arm before breaking.

Lie under the car and try to simulate the hump drive.

Once you have located the source of the noise, you can try to feel where it comes from. If it disappears temporary by treating with WD40, you got it.
Good look


Re: Some 108 answers.... 17 Jahre 11 Monate her #78960

  • Flossenpfleger
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Geschrieben von Flossenpfleger am 17. Oktober 2006 16:55:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Some 108 answers.... geschrieben von Clem am 17. Oktober 2006 08:44:44:

Hi Clem,

Here's a picture of the rubber mounts that are needes to ajust the chassis of your car, they vary in height from 20 to 32,5 mm, like Uwe already wrote

dependently from motorisation and car features, with the original Data card or some help from your lokal dealer it shouldnt be a problem to figure out which size would be best for your car.

Its the figure 4 in the picture.

This picture ist borowed from http://db-depot.de/ ,

the parts are on sale there also, if you can't buy them local, try ordering there.

The site is also in English !
Uwes statement concering the noise could be the last warning of some major element on the steering, axle or traverse arm should be taken very seriously.

I didn't mentioned it, cause I assumed that this was already checked and if needed fixed.

BUt you should try spraying with WD40 first, if the noise disappears, you know were you are up to.
That 108 were manufactured in the GB (or were else is also a VAT?) is also new to me, I know that there was a little number that was assembled in GB, but as far as I know the production was only in germany.
Concerning the knops for the window winder, once again Uwe is right the knobs weren't made out of Bakelit (exept in the early finntail modells), they were made out of Thermoplastic, but it is easier to build new ones out of synthetic resin and paint htem in the desired colour than forming new ones out of plastic.

It is quite easy to from a mold out of casting mass, and build a replika from an original knob.
Greetings from Flossenpfleger

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