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Willkommen im Forum für die Mercedes-Baureihen 108-109-111-112-113. Um die Beiträge nach bestimmten Themen zu durchsuchen, nutzt bitte die SUCHFUNKTION .
Für Inserate gibt es den kostenlosen Kleinanzeigenmarkt

THEMA: @Takuya

@Takuya 22 Jahre 7 Monate her #18296

  • Michael
  • Michaels Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Michael B. am 30. Januar 2002 20:41:56:
Hello, I`ve got it.

The number of the cable from computer to injection is :

111 540 49 09.

I hope you are just sitting - if not,please sit down before you read the price.

It costs € 1115,23 ( Tax not included )About 1000 Dollars...

The number of the water temperature sensore is 0003 545 9024 . It costs @ 68,94.

I could not find the number of the Air temperature sensor - but normally it`s no problem.

The differences he makes, is not very much.

Normally you do not feel them at all....



Re: @Takuya 22 Jahre 7 Monate her #18407

  • Takuya
  • Takuyas Avatar Autor
Geschrieben von Takuya (Japan) am 03. Februar 2002 18:19:54:
Als Antwort auf: @Takuya geschrieben von Michael B. am 30. Januar 2002 20:41:56:
Guten tag,Michael!

Thank you for your reply!
>The number of the cable from computer to injection is :

>111 540 49 09.

In Japan,the dealer offers it at JPY154,500.

I think it is so expensive,isn't it?
>The number of the water temperature sensore is 0003 545 9024 .

Uhmmmm...I coundn't find the number. Isn't it 004 545 49 24 or 001 545 92 24?

the later costs JPY13,500 here.

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